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PARC Winter Field Day 2025

January 25 - 26th
Fighting Creek Park, Large Shelter, Powhatan, VA


Dates and Time

Date: January 25

  • Set Up: 9:00 AM.

  • Go On-Air: 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM (weather permitting)

Date: January 26

  • Go On-Air: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM (weather permitting)

  • Tear Down: 3:00 pm

We will operate in "Silent Running" mode, relying on batteries for lighting and radio operations, which nearly eliminates generator RF noise. 


A small generator will be onsite to primarily to power a coffee pot and as needed. 

We will operate in heated popup tents but plan to bring your own chair.  A hot lunch and dessert will be provided on Saturday and Sunday at noon.  First come, first served. 


Fighting Creek Park, Large Shelter

2505 Mann Road

Powhatan, VA 23139



PARC@N4POW.COM for more information. 

Reserve Your Spot

Reserve a time to transmit, log and/or to help set up:

Reserve your spot by opening Sign-Up Genius. You can sign up to transmit on air or log contacts for a 60-minute session. We are also looking for volunteers to help with setup, teardown, and equipment transport.


Station One:

  • Radio: Yaesu FT-991A

  • Antenna: Vertical 10–40-meter end fed halfwave

  • Power Source: 12-volt 100AH LiP04 Battery 

Station Two:

  • Radio: Bring Your Own Radio

  • Antenna: Pre-tuned 10-80 Meter end-fed halfwave W/ PL-259 connector.

  • Power Source: Bring your own battery
    (A battery will be available if you do not have one)

Station Three - VHF:

  • Radio: TBA

  • Antenna: J Pole

  • Contact Us! - Simplex 146.550 (No Tone)

  • Calls qualify as a Winter Field Day contact!

Talk-In Frequency:

147.315 +74

What is it all about?

Join the excitement of Winter Field Day, held annually on the last full weekend of January! This unique event invites amateur radio operators to set up field stations in remote locations, connecting with participants worldwide. Whether you go solo, team up with friends and family, or involve your entire club, Winter Field Day offers a thrilling opportunity to hone your skills in portable emergency communications during challenging winter conditions.

Organized by the Winter Field Day Association, the event emphasizes preparedness for disasters by operating in freezing temperatures, snow, and ice—conditions that demand extra ingenuity and skill. Participants can use HF, VHF, and UHF frequencies with voice, CW, and digital modes, working towards objectives like non-commercial power sources, satellite contacts, and more.


PARC Winter Field Day

For PARC, Winter Field Day goes beyond just a competition. It's a chance to hone our emergency response skills by setting up temporary stations and operating in winter conditions. We do this because freezing temperatures, snow, ice, and other hazards pose unique operational concerns. We also use this opportunity to educate the public about the capabilities of amateur radio and its potential to support the community during times of need. This year we will be setting up in the large shelter at Fighting Creek Park and operating the radios on batteries. We will be using two end fed half wave wire antennas for HF and a j-pole for VHF/UHF operation. One HF antenna will be for the “Bring Your Own Radio” station. So bring your own HF radio and plug in! The other antenna will be used with a Yaesu FT-991A. One hour time slots are reserved on a first come, first serve. Be sure and sign up! 


Anyone can operate a ham radio during Winter Field Day!

Curious about ham radio but you heard you must have a license to operate? No problem! PARC lets everyone have a chance to talk on the radio at our ARRL Field Day event. You can experience the fun of ham radio under the guidance of our licensed members. Make your own calls on the airwaves and connect with hams across the US and the World! The PARC Field Day operates under the club's N4POW callsign. As a Field Day participant, you'll use our club call sign and a control operator's license privileges to operate under their supervision.  This means if you have no license at all, you can operate the radio. Even if you have a technician class license, you can operate on the HF bands at our event.

Where to Find Us

The PARC Field Day is held in the large shelter at Fighting Creek Park, 2505 Mann Road, Powhatan VA. The park normally closes at 8 PM, but we secure permission to remain in the park for the entire event. Restrooms are just a few steps away from the Field Day site.

Satellite view of Fighting Creek

contact us

Powhatan Area
Radio CLuB

PO Box 731
Powhatan VA  23139


VHF Voice: 147.315+ 74.4 Modes: FM Fusion, WIRES-X

UHF Voice: 443.350+ Mode: DMR

Digital: 145.730 Packet 

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