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Virginia QSO party - Saturday, March 16, 2024

Fighting Creek Park Large Pavilion, 2505 Mann Road, Powhatan, VA 23139


Optional: Meet at the County seat at 8:00 am for breakfast March 16.


Setup starts Saturday at 9:00 am at the Pavilion and we go on the air when we are ready, preferably by noon.


We will pack up Saturday night around 8:00 pm. Operations will resume Sunday: 9:00 am to to 4 pm.

contact us

Powhatan Area
Radio CLuB

PO Box 731
Powhatan VA  23139


VHF Voice: 147.315+ 74.4 Modes: FM Fusion, WIRES-X

UHF Voice: 443.350+ Mode: DMR

Digital: 145.730 Packet 

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